Scheduling Tools

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Revision as of 17:55, 27 August 2022 by Elizabeth Vogel (talk | contribs)
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Some online tools are very handy when trying to schedule rehearsal or production meetings. Below are some examples.

CallTime is a student theatre specific resource which allows you to ask availability of cast and crew members detailed to every half hour on a rolling basis - e.g. getting a cast to fill in their availability for an entire week or during the rehearsal process. Then you can choose which members you need and it'll show you what time slots are possible. It's particularly useful for scheduling rehearsal since it's also easy to use on smartphones and can import a list of names from Camdram directly.

When to Meet asks members to put in their availability detailed to every 30 minutes within time parameters you have chosen - e.g. the 6th through 9th of September, no earlier than 11am and no later than 7pm. You can see which members are available for a given time; participants can also see which slots are popular as they fill it in. Unfortunately it's not particularly smartphone friendly.

Doodle allows you to create a poll with some suggested time slots and ask members to vote. Used more outside theatre, doodle is harder to fill in availability over a long period of time since often every possible time slot needs to be set up but is good for one-on-meetings - e.g. where each cast member needs a character chat.