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The Gio is a lighting desk manufactured by Electronic Theatre Controls (ETC) which runs the EOS software. It is a tracking console and comes in two models:

  1. Gio - the original large form factor console which is now EOL (end of life i.e. not longer supported/manufactured).
  2. Gio @5 - the new scaled down half-size version. This is the model the ADC Theatre has.


The ADC's Gio controls the lighting rig via sACN over a network cable in the back of the desk. More information on how to use the Gio can be found in the ADC's 'An Introduction to Stage Lighting' guide.

During the get-in and technical rehearsal the Gio is usually moved to the centre of the auditorium (being placed on the plot desk that lives in the OP Quad) to give an audience-eye view and to make it more convenient to access or communicate with the stage if troubleshooting is required.

The ADC does also have a back up lighting desk, an ETCnomad Puck, which should be switched on during shows but which doesn't require any additional set-up. There is also another Puck in the SM Desk, allowing the DSM to control lights if necessary.