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A production will generally have a Publicity Officer or designer to manage all things advertising for the show, ranging from posters to programme design if necessary. The ADC Theatre and CUADC have a publicity guide for both offline and online publicity campaign.

For the majority of shows, the main publicity task is the design and production of posters alongside the banners and design of social media advertising. Many shows choose to put up posters around colleges and town - for possible locations see the linked publicity guide - but asking cast and crew to update Facebook profile pictures with show headshots or cover photos with banners is common publicity practice. The Publicity officer (if there is one in the Production Team) will work with Producer to coordinate the organisation of cast headshots and poster design; there is no set structure to the roles involved in poster design so in some cases the producer will manage publicity entirely and recruit a poster designer who has minimal involvement in the show. For references of old posters, please see the show archive pages of CUADC and CUMTS. Social media publicity can also be fun and informal - memes and entertaining action shots can go a long way as well!

Selected ADC mainshows will have programmes giving headshots and short biographies of all cast and crew whilst the largest shows, for example LTM and panto, may use advertising trailers which will generally be made by a dedicated trailer designer. Touring shows such as ETG will have much larger publicity roles since responsibilities may include design and graphics advice for education packs or brochures for venues.